
Helllo guyss welcome to my blog. before started let me introduce my self. Hello my name Muhammad syaifullah  and u can call me Ipul. i’m 17 years old. this is will be the first post on my blog. 

so i want to tell u about my family and my hobby. i’m first son of two child. i have one brothers. the name of my brother is muhammad farid setiawan. he is 11 years old, 6 years youngher than me.My brother went to elementary school.

Now i will tell u about my school.I study at 27 senior high school. My school location in mardani raya at central jakarta. My school has a lot of extracurriculars such as basketball, voleyball, taekwondo, silat and futsal, futsal is the same as soccer. That was my introduction, thank you for visiting my blog, See you soon.

And the last paragraph i will tell u about my hobby. My hobby is playing game, i play games on cellphones and on computers. I always paly games on weekends with my brothers anf friends. That was my introduction, thank you for visiting my blog, See you soon.


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